provide protective clothing, footwear and handwash for visitors that come inside your production area.restrict access to your poultry unless necessary.keep a visitors log outlining details of visitors' name and date and recent contact with poultry.If visitors have been overseas this may increase to 7 days.

check where your visitors have been and if they have had any contact with other poultry or birds in the last 2 days.place a biosecurity sign at the entry gate that contains information on how to contact the farm manager before entry.shut the gate to your property and lock whenever practical.To reduce biosecurity risks from visitors you should: Visitors can include neighbours, contractors, suppliers, vets, delivery drivers, maintenance and service personnel. personal items such as mobile phones and jewellery.

People who visit your poultry farm and enter the production area (including sheds and free-range areas) can potentially be carriers of disease and food safety pathogens that may threaten the health and productivity of your flock.ĭiseases or food safety pathogens may be carried in a person's: