If your project uses Unity’s Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS), you need to install a dedicated DOTS physics package. Physics engine packages for data-oriented projects Built-in 2D physics (Box2D engine integration).Built-in 3D physics (Nvidia PhysX engine integration).If your project is object-oriented, use the Unity’s built-in physics engine that corresponds to your needs: Built-in physics engines for object-oriented projects To develop your C# skills, see the Unity Learn Junior Programmer course. You can achieve some basic physics goals with the user interface, but for more control over the simulation, you need some familiarity with C#. This page provides the links to their documentation.

Unity provides different physics engine implementations which you can use according to your Project needs: 3D, 2D, object-oriented, or data-oriented. More info See in Glossary, gravity, and various other forces. Unity helps you simulate physics in your Project to ensure that the objects correctly accelerate and respond to collisions A collision occurs when the physics engine detects that the colliders of two GameObjects make contact or overlap, when at least one has a Rigidbody component and is in motion.